Social Club Application Fee and Flower Bundle


Out of Season

Application Fee for joining Seknd Nature Social Club including our curated collection of our favourite flower strains:

Bundle includes

1g of Premium Indoor Indica – Chimera
1g of Premium Greenhouse Sativa – Jet Fuel
1g of Premium Greenhouse Indica – Bubba Kush
King Size Raw Rolling papers and Filters
Double capacity tube to keep you roll safe for the right moment.

Out of Season

SKU: SN500002


Seknd Nature Social Club is a private member?s only club. To visit the club premises or order products online you need to be member. All registrations are screened by management and are subject to an approval process before membership is granted.


?The details you provide for the registration of this account and in the downloadable documeent is used as your members details.


  • Validity

This Agreement between the Member and the Seknd Nature Social Club (?The Club?) is valid from the date of signing of this agreement, for a duration of 12 months, subject to renewal for an additional 12 months.

Inactivity for a continuous period of three (3) months may lead to membership review and possible deactivation of the membership.

  • Fees
Monthly Membership Fee A portion of your consumption is allocated to the running costs of the social club, and no monthly fee is levied at this time.


The Club may change and review membership fees without giving prior written notice of any such change.

Should a membership be terminated before its renewal date, the member is not entitled to any refunds on membership fees.



Members have the following obligations tied to their membership:

  • agreement to be discreet in discussing the Club with anyone, to ensure that the ongoing interest of the club and all its members are safeguarded;
  • agreement to receive initial training in their rights as it currently relates to Cannabis;
  • agreement to abide by the rules as specified in the Club?s Constitution, Annexure A to this Membership Agreement;
  • to provide the Club with accurate information relating to their consumption of Cannabis;
  • agree to not resell any Cannabis obtained through the Club;
  • act in accordance with best practice for Cannabis Private Clubs;
  • to participate in community enrichment projects embarked on by the Club;


The Club may decide to revoke this Membership Agreement if the member does not adhere to the above rules or any other rules and regulations of the Club; as defined in the Club?s constitution and other relevant documentation.


The Club has the following obligations:

  • a safe and transparent process for its members to obtain traceable and quality Cannabis;
  • to ensure that the members? needs and requirements as it relates to Cannabis, are met and provided for to the best of our ability;
  • to contribute to its immediate and external community;
  • to ensure that members? privacy is protected and adequately safeguarded;
  • to ensure that growers? privacy is protected and adequately safeguarded;
  • to adhere to best practice as pertaining to Cannabis Private


The Member hereby agrees to practice their right to private cultivation, as part of the collective of the Club and that they agree to have all harvest contributions made to the Club, shared amongst members according to their needs and requirements as stated in this Membership Agreement.


This Membership Agreement is only applicable to the individual whose details are recorded in this contract. The Membership may not be transferred in any way to any other person.


All written notices between the parties to this Agreement and other communications are validly served if sent to:

  • In the case of the Club ?
  • And in the case of the Member the email address specified in this Membership


The Club may, for any reason approved by the Governing Body, terminate this membership by giving one (1) month?s written notice to the member.

Should the member break or disobey any of the rules or regulations of the Club?s Constitution; or disregard any part of this Membership Agreement, their membership is subject to immediate termination, subject to the Governing Body?s approval.

The member may cancel this Membership Agreement by giving one (1) month?s written notice to the Club.



To be completed within the downloadable document linked and returned to us as soon as possible.

A copy of this Agreement, executed by the Club and the Member and with both parties in acknowledgement of these Agreement terms, will be made available to the Member upon request.

I, the undersigned, hereby apply for membership to Seknd Nature Private Club and declare that the information provided above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Thank you for applying to become a member of Seknd Nature Private Club.

By proceeding to checkout of this product you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement, to provide all of the additional required information, regardless of having completed the furnishing of all of the information separately.


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